Paper pastry knorks (knife +fork)

Paper pastry knorks (knife +fork)

Paper pastry knorks (knife +fork)
Paper pastry knorks (knife +fork)
Paper pastry knorks (knife +fork)
Paper pastry knorks (knife +fork)
Paper pastry knorks (knife +fork)
Paper pastry knorks (knife +fork)


Introducing our innovative paper cake knife, a fork and knife combo. It's our game changer utensil uniquely designed for pastries as it is a small fork with a build-in knife edge. The perfect combination for slicing and enjoying cake with ease. Ideal for on the go desserts and to enhance convenience with style. Best of all? It's completely recyclable, compostable and sustainable! Visit us in our booth to see it in person, get inspired and experience the high quality.
Focus on
Cake stands, show casesBiodegradable and compostable single use materialsTake away packagingplates and cutlery (litle spoons, forks etc.)

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