Siamo LUKR, un produttore ceco di attrezzature per birra alla spina: rubinetti a leva, taniche e torri tradizionali. Crediamo che la birra eccellente sia solo l'inizio del successo. Il birraio crea la birra, ma è il tappatore che la rende speciale. L'arte di spillare è parte della cultura della birra ceca. Il nostro obiettivo è diffondere questa pratica nel mondo, garantendo birra alla spina perfettamente versata in ogni luogo.
We are LUKR, a traditional Czech manufacturer of draught beer equipment. Original side pull taps, beer serving tanks, traditional beer towers. We believe that brewing great beer is only part of the success. The brewmaster brews the beer, but the tapster makes it. We see the craft of beer tapping as an integral part of Czech beer culture. Our goal is to preserve, develop, and spread this craft so that there are as many places as possible in the world where you can get perfectly poured draft beer.
We are LUKR, a traditional Czech manufacturer of draught beer equipment. Original side pull taps, beer serving tanks, traditional beer towers. We believe that brewing great beer is only part of the success. The brewmaster brews the beer, but the tapster makes it. We see the craft of beer tapping as an integral part of Czech beer culture. Our goal is to preserve, develop, and spread this craft so that there are as many places as possible in the world where you can get perfectly poured draft beer.
Business Community
BBTech Expo
Czech Republic